country pop

Ryan Adams – Desire

Ryan Adams - DesireEl otro día, leyendo a Unai me encantó su recomendación musical. Así que aquí traigo un deseo de Ryan Adams (Demolition, 2002). Me quedo con la estrofa: «This time I’m speeding with no direction. Without a reason» porque no hay peor sensación que andar por la vida sin ninguna motivación, sin una meta que te anime a continuar el camino.

Escucha Ryan Adams – Desire


Two hearts fading, like a flower.
And all this waiting, for the power.
For some answer, to this fire.
Sinking slowly. The water’s higher.

With no secrets. No obsession.
This time I’m speeding with no direction.
Without a reason. What is this fire?
Burning slowly. My one and only.

You know me. You know my way in.
You just can’t show me, but God I’m praying,
That you’ll find me, and that you’ll see me,
That you run and never tire.

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