indie rock

The Antlers – Kettering

6108940_the_antlers_hospice_200Recupero la banda sonora de mi vida tras muchos meses de parón. La última entrada era de junio de 2015, nada más y nada menos. Lo que antes era capaz de sublimar a través de la música, durante un tiempo no terminaba de salir. Pero este single de The Antlers ha logrado desbloquear algo. No sé el qué. Ha sido escuchar esta canción, llegar a los minutos finales y notar ese clic. Quizás sea esa voz desgarrada de Peter Silberman, que tanto me recuerda a la de Antony and the Johnsons.

Como siempre, no prometo nada. Puede que a partir de ahora, recupere el ritmo. O puede que no. Mientras tanto, siempre nos quedará la lista de Spotify, que se acerca peligrosamente a las 24 horas de escucha ininterrumpida (o casi si no tenéis cuenta premium ;-)). Os recomiendo subir el volumen, cerrar los ojos y poneros cómodos/as:


I wish that I had known in
That first minute we met
The unpayable debt
That I owed you

‘Cause you’d been abused
By the bone that refused
You and you hired me
To make up for that

And walking in that room
When you had tubes in your arms
Those singing morphine alarms
Out of tune

They had you sleeping and eating and
And I didn’t believe them
When they called you a hurricane thunderclap

When I was checking vitals
I suggested a smile
You didn’t talk for a while
You were freezing

You said you hated my tone
It made you feel so alone
So you told me I had to be leaving

But something kept me standing
By that hospital bed
I should have quit but instead
I took care of you

You made me sleep and uneven
And I didn’t believe them
When they told me that there
Was no saving you

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